CMS Issues New G-Codes For Telehealth Home Health Services

Data on telecommunications technology use during a 30-day period of care at the patient level isn’t currently collected on the Home Health (HH) claim. While the provision of services provided via a telecommunications system must be in the patient’s plan of care, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) doesn’t routinely review plans of care to determine the extent these services are actually provided.

Telehealth Billing Update for Medical Billing Solutions in 2022

Telehealth Billing Update for Medical Billing Solutions in 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a boon for telehealth, pushing much of the industry to move forward on remote care where it had been lagging for years. But the change hasn’t been without complications. Providers have seen multiple updates to telehealth billing and coding, causing many to look into new approaches to medical billing solutions and medical billing outsourcing companies.

2022 Hospital Revenue Cycle Outsourcing Update

2022 Hospital Revenue Cycle Outsourcing Update

With the challenges hospital leaders are facing today, hospital revenue cycle outsourcing should always be on the table. This is because of the benefits it offers in terms of flexibility and helping you stay ahead of challenges in hospital billing services. But these dynamics change quickly. This is why we want to present you with updates for 2022 and what you should understand about outsourcing hospital billing services today.

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