Medical Billing and Coding

Patients are Tired of Errors in Medical Billing and Coding

As patient consumerization takes further hold, the impact of decisions in medical billing is getting more attention from the public and media. This is especially true in the area of errors in medical billing and coding.

Medical providers will benefit from understanding what frustrates patients and taking steps to reduce errors, as well as working with partners who can help them stay on top of changes in

The Future of Medical Coding Isn’t AI – It’s Collaboration

The Future of Medical Coding Isn’t AI – It’s Collaboration

One of my greatest concerns around AI isn’t that it’s going to one day go rogue and cause massive issues for some unfortunate provider. I believe the chances of that are slim to none.

My deepest concern is potential missed opportunities. This is because AI promises so much to the healthcare revenue cycle – increase in quality and accuracy, efficient medical coding workflows, and, in the end, a profitable organization. And while that might be possible down the line, for

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