If you’ve been paying attention to what’s going on with healthcare in Florida, you probably know that the Florida House passed a bill that gives physicians the option to opt out of services for reasons of conscience – meaning they won’t face negative repercussions for refusing to perform a medical procedure. But payers are mentioned in the bill too,
Patients are Tired of Errors in Medical Billing and Coding
As patient consumerization takes further hold, the impact of decisions in medical billing is getting more attention from the public and media. This is especially true in the area of errors in medical billing and coding.
Medical providers will benefit from understanding what frustrates patients and taking steps to reduce errors, as well as working with partners who can help them stay on top of changes in
2023 Revenue Cycle KPIs to Address Challenges from Denials in Medical Billing and Beyond
Healthcare provider finance is moving into an entirely new era. As margins continue to be strained, CFOs are facing new challenges such as the end of the public health emergency, staffing shortages, and millions potentially being thrown off the Medicaid rolls.
What the End of the Public Health Emergency Means for Home Health Billing
The COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) is ending as of May 11, 2023, and home health billing leaders should be preparing.
The COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Is Ending – Is Revenue Cycle Ready?
As of May 11, 2023, the COVID-19 public health emergency (the PHE) is ending in the United States. While many are breathing a sigh of relief, revenue cycle